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Event Series Lit Tea

Lit Tea


When: Every Monday (except Holidays) during the semester Time: 4:15pm - 5:45pm Where: Room 14N-417 Come by for snacks, and tea with Literature Section friends, instructors, students, etc. What are you reading? What 21L classes are you taking or hoping to take? This event is specifically geared towards undergrads; but open to friends of the community that engage in the literary and humanities at MIT.

Global France Seminar presents, Eléonore Lépinard “Pedagogies of coloniality: experiences of gendered islamophobia in France and Switzerland”


Presented by Eléonore Lépinard, Professor in Gender Studies Institute of Social Sciences at the University of Lausanne Date: Monday, October 7th  Location: Building 14, 14E-304 (map)   Abstract: Muslim women wearing simple headscarves (hijab) have been at the center of intense public scrutiny for several decades in many European countries, and they experience widespread ordinary forms of gendered and racialized discrimination. This study of veiled Muslim women’s reported experiences of stigmatization in France and Switzerland identifies types of interactions that are conceptualized as pedagogies of coloniality. These interactions follow similar scripts in which interlocutors, who are members of the majority group, ask hijabi women to unveil or to veil differently even though it is not legally required in the context of the interaction. This presentation will explore the intersection and articulation of sexism and Islamophobia, as well as class and age, as necessary components enabling the negotiations to submit and discipline veiled Muslim women. It will detail the various processes of otherization at play, and the hierarchies that these interactions attempt to enforce and maintain, including between women. Bio: Eléonore Lépinard is Professor in gender studies at the Institute of Social Sciences at the University of Lausanne. Her main areas of research are in the […]

Literature Section
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue 14N-407
Cambridge, MA 02139
tel: (617) 253-3581