Graduating Class: '24
Diego Delarue
Double: Literature (21L) and Computer Science and Engineering (6-3)
Minor: Film Studies (21L)
Was there a favorite book or topic that you studied with Literature that you would recommend?
Art as Device by Viktor Shklovsky
What was your favorite book, film, or thesis, paper title, etc. from out of Literature?
Blow-Up by Michelangelo Antonioni
What advice would you give a future Literature Major? What did you wish you knew before your journey?
Plan from the start, declare the major early, and enjoy the community.
What’s your favorite animal? Why and how does it relate to literature or your work?
Axolotl. Axolotls are Mexican (like me), can regenerate, and have inspired a lot of magical realism short stories, all of which I’ve loved.
Axolotl. Axolotls are Mexican (like me), can regenerate, and have inspired a lot of magical realism short stories, all of which I’ve loved.