Subjects taught the current academic year:
21.01 Compass Course: Moral and Social Questions about the Human Condition (NEW!): Love, Death, and Taxes: How to Think – and Talk to Others – About Being Human (NEW) (Spring 2025)
21L.004 Reading Poetry (Fall 2024)
21L.601[J] Old English and Beowulf (Fall 2024)
21L.S89 Special Subject in Literature: *Beowulf* and *Judith* (Spring 2025)
Subjects taught in recent years:
21L.601[J] Old English and Beowulf (Spring 2023)
Research Interests
Only very rarely, however, can we securely recover the precise intentions that led to a given manuscript’s current shape. The temporal and cultural distance from which we must contemplate our objects of study thus frequently demands some degree, or form, of speculation. Medieval and modern theories of speculation therefore inform my current study of the so-called Pearl-Manuscript (British Library MS Cotton Nero A.x/2, to be precise), the only surviving copy of four beautiful Middle English poems, including Pearl and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. Analogies between the book itself and the poems it contains are too numerous and too resonant to be dismissed; yet they cannot be attributed to a single author-figure, and many of them were created by chance (or Providence). My second book explores these paradoxes, using the Pearl-Manuscript as a lens for better understanding and appreciating the artistry of the poems it contains.
Fragments and Assemblages: Forming Compilations of Medieval London. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2013. 285 pages. Paperback edition published 2015.
Co-editor, with Alexandra Gillespie, Medieval English Manuscripts: Form, Aesthetics, and the Literary Text. Special issue of The Chaucer Review (47.4, April 2013).
Chasing the Pearl Manuscript: Speculation, Shapes, Delight. In progress, currently ca. 115,000 words. Submission expected Spring 2022.
Articles and Essays
“Birdsong, Love, and the House of Lancaster: Gower Reads Chaucer,” in Chaucer and the Subversion of Form, ed. Thomas Prendergast and Jessica Rosenfeld (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018), 165-181.
“Teaching Pearl with Sir Gawain and the Green Knight,” in Approaches to Teaching
the Middle English Pearl, ed. Jane Beal and Mark Bradshaw Busbee, (New York:
Modern Language Association of America, 2018), 131-138.
- MacVicar Faculty Fellowship (2015)
- External Faculty Fellow, Newhouse Center for the Humanities
(Wellesley College, 2014-15) - Alfred Henry and Jean Morrison Hayes Career Development Chair (2012-15)
- James A. and Ruth Levitan Award for Excellence in Teaching (2012)
- Fulbright Fellow (Iceland)
- What Is a Text in the Pearl-Manuscript?,” University of Düsseldorf, 2021
- Teaching Literature through a Pandemic,” New England Medieval Conference, 2021
- Little Lewis’s Astrolabe,” New Chaucer Society Expo, 2021
- The Pearl-Manuscript as Kaleidoscope,” University of Washington, 2020.
- Sir Gawain, Chaucer’s Squire, and the Ends of Cotton Nero A.x,” Bowdoin College, 2018.
- In Praise of Speculation,” University of Pennsylvania, 2018.
- Teaching Miscellanies,” Renaissance Society of America, 2018.
- Some Temporal Problems with Patience,” Harvard University, 2018.
- The Pearl-Manuscript and the Consolations of Geometry,” Rutgers University, 2017.
- Sheets of Parchment, Sheets of Ice; Or, Why Book History and Figure Skating Must Be in Dialogue,” University of Texas, Austin, 2017.
Additional Information
AMS@MIT: At MIT, Bahr has worked with colleagues from across the Institute to strengthen and expand MIT’s program in Ancient and Medieval Studies (AMS@MIT). This initiative has involved bringing Latin instruction to campus, launching a monthly colloquium series of distinguished speakers from art history, musicology, literature, history, and philosophy, and designing “Empire,” a team-taught, interdisciplinary exploration of the representation and reality of pre-modern empires.
Elsewhere: Arthur can also be found serving as a National judge with the United States Figure Skating Association; undertaking long, involved, and sometimes overly ambitious cooking projects; and listening to Casiotone for the Painfully Alone, various Icelandic bands (m√∫m, Of Monsters and Men, amiina), and a wide range of baroque opera. He misses his much-loved, recently departed cat Alcina very much, and he wants the world to know that he was devoted to Betty White long before she was all the rage.